Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lava Lamp

It all started because Gillian needed a new dresser.  I told her I would buy her one and she got very excited.  I happened upon an excellent deal on a chest of drawers that was kind of a cream color and when I got it home I realized that it would go much better in Drew's room.  Of course this didn't go over very well with Gill so I told her I would try it in her room first.  I waited until they left for school and I did move it to Gillian's room, but I knew it would really be best to switch with Drew's set of drawers.  After 3 hours of moving things around and putting clothes away I was quite proud of myself.  I sent Darren an e-mail telling him to say a prayer for me because I knew that I would have to deal with the Gillian firestorm.  However, in my vast wisdom I had gotten her a lava lamp for her room to hopefully reign in her temper tantrum.  And have a tantrum she did,  she really throws a quality tantrum.  Then, I gave her her very own lava lamp (pink) and she stopped crying, took it, ran upstairs to plug it in, and voila, peace.  I love lava lamps (and peace).


cynth314 said...

Thanks for sharing

zq said...

Can't wait for more.