Saturday, November 29, 2008


This Thanksgiving started out just right.  Darren went to play flag football and I stayed in my pj's.  I did run down to the field just in time to see him intercept the ball from the other team.   Seems like he's good at everything.  Ok, he is good at everything. 
We were in charge of bringing potatoes to the Greenhalgh feast and my awesome husband did all the cooking and cleaning.  What a lucky girl am I!
This is what I did...


Gillian made a Thanksgiving pin-the-feathers-on-the-turkey game.  Tomorrow she said she will make a put-the-presents-in-santa's-bag game.  She's very into the Holiday season.  I love it.

So then it was off to the Greenhalgh feast that could have fed a small country.  I always end up eating way too much even though I promise myself I won't.  Couldn't resist snapping a picture of Gill when she fell asleep with the flowers on the way to grandma's.

Auntie Joelle only has a couple of inches on Gavin.  Holy cow he's getting big!  Although she isn't that tall, but still.  

All in all a great day.  I have so so so much to be thankful for!

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