Monday, December 1, 2008

Runner Drew

Since I started this blog after cross-country season I figured I'd better update a few things of importance that happened this year.  It's a good thing that I do keep a daily journal because I promptly forget things as soon as I do them.  But I have written proof!  I swear that I have swiss cheese brain.  

So anyway, Drew decided to join her 3rd grade cross-country team this year and really enjoyed running.  I think that she really surprised herself that she was good at it.  The first race she came in 11th out of about 60 girls.  Next race was 6th place out of about 85 girls!  The best was the last regional race where she came in 10th out of 105 3rd grade girls.  She was of course disappointed that she didn't get a ribbon, but she was the first Woodin elementary girl to cross the line.  She's always too hard on herself (wonder where she gets that from).  All in all she did an awesome job and I think she will continue.  

At the last event, The Great Pumpkin race, it was open to all grades and Gillian ran also.  She came in 6th out of about 80 first graders.  She was so upset because the girls who placed 1st-5th got a pumpkin trophy.  This was her sad face afterward.  It didn't matter that I told her 36 times that she came in 6th!  So amazing!

Drew came in 8th or so.  Too many girls running to be absolutely sure.  No matter, I was immensely proud of both of my sweet runner girls!

Now just looking forward to spring for Gavin's lacrosse season.  It's so much work to just keep him doing his homework.  Junior high is hard!

I haven't even posted anything about the girl's soccer season.  More to come on that....

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