Wednesday, April 29, 2009

George Greendog

I've always said that I have a special needs dog. This is a picture to prove it. I had just finished mowing the grass and turn around to see the white dog smearing his face along the ground. He then proceeded to roll around like a pig in the mud. There was no stopping him. He is just special. I'll just pretend that he is a punk rock dog and forget about it for now. I also have a fuzzy greenish fish tank to clean out. Joy!
I had a busy weekend cleaning the garage. Gillian was the only one who wanted to help me and she did a really great job. She even washed off dusty screws.
For some reason the girls must always play in the tub. Sometimes they will be there for quite a while playing with barbies in the tub. Whatever it takes to get them clean I guess.

Unfortunately Gavin has inherited my wonderful eyesight. Why couldn't he have gotten Darren's eagle eyes? So we went to the eye doctor today and he is definitely nearsighted. We ordered him 2 pair of glasses and they should arrive next week. He is actually very excited to get them as he will finally be able to read the board at school. The doctor assured him that he won't have to wear them all the time, but he doesn't seem to be too concerned about it at all. Maybe his grades will improve?

Okay, and last but not least.... Here are some "compliments" I have received recently.
-"You've got thunder thighs"-- Norm Smith (he swears he thought that was a good thing.)
-"You're kind of a manly girl"-- Gavin Greenhalgh. This was because I told him to wait for dad to get home to do the barbeque grill because girls don't grill.
Just because I'm capable of doing most things on my own that men can do, and just because I have muscular thighs does NOT mean that these things should be pointed out. I think I need to start wearing dresses and high heels. It would look great with my tool belt.

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