Sunday, September 27, 2009


Last weekend was spent at the Deschutes river in Oregon. Our friends, the Valentines, have big professional rafts and we had a blast. Drew and Gillian sat in the center of the raft so they would not fall out. Gavin and I braved the front of the raft and got thrown out a couple of times. Of course Darren was hard at work in Scottsdale so we drove with they Peays in their camper. Gillian came up in the truck cab at one point and said that the kids were complaining about her stinky feet. I took a whiff and it was pretty gross. Turns out she hasn't been wearing socks with her favorite boots. She's only had the boots for a couple of months and they have holes in them and they now reek. She insists on wearing them every day. So I cleaned her feet with wet wipes--they still stunk. It was the hand sanitizer that finally did the trick.

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