Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Maybe I'm losing my mind

So yesterday I went to get an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound because of constant kidney problems, UTI's and bloody urine. Ultrasound showed nothing abnormal of course. So I guess I'm imagining the pain. Then I'm supposed to get a cortisone injection in my neck, which is proven to be messed up according to my MRI and my pain level. So maybe I'm not crazy. And then there's my nose, which is definitely broken, crooked and needs surgery soon. Darren told me last night that he thinks I stop breathing at night between my snoring. Could explain why I'm always so tired. Who knows? Sleep apnea? Hypochondriac? Anyway, yesterday I must have been very distracted because as I was working around the house I thought I needed a cup of tea, as I usually have throughout the day. So I brewed myself one in my travel mug. Then 5 minutes later I found a full cup of warm herbal tea in my white mug and was thoroughly confused. I don't even remember making it. But it was definitely still warm, and I don't remember making it. Hmmmm. Today will be a better day.

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