Saturday, October 24, 2009

12 days later

It is now 12 days post surgery. Hard to believe I looked this bad last week but I sure did feel bad. I still don't feel great. I'm a bit achy around the eyes and have intermittent stabbing pains in my nose. In 2 days the doctor is going to take out the plastic splints that are way up in my nose and I admit that I'm a bit scared. He's not the gentlest of physicians, especially when it comes to putting long metal tools up my nose. And he usually says strange things to NOT put me at ease. Like when I ask him if it's going to hurt and he says "it won't hurt me a bit but thanks for asking, that's very kind of you." And then it usually hurts like crazy. Then, when his nurse pokes her head in the room to look for someone and he says "there's no-one in here but us chickens." What does that even mean? Kind of a funny guy. Or kind of not, I can't decide. Anyway, sooooo looking forward to Monday.

In the beginning (above)

And today

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