Monday, October 19, 2009

Mourning in the morning

I'm sitting here monday morning as my dear mother busies herself around my house doing laundry and getting ready to leave. I'm sad. And it looks like the gray skies are here to stay. Need to get out my Happy Lites. So I need to buck up and put some clothes on and be the mom again. She is so amazing there are no words to describe it. Sniff, sniff..... I'll be ok, really....

So let me relate the unfortunate events of yesterday. It all started with a tissue. I've been pretty aggressive with my nose care and I think I might have taken it a bit too far. I rolled it into a snake and twirled it up my nostril all the way to my brain (I think) and was so pleased with myself when I pulled it out. It had a big boogery blood clot on the end and I could breathe a gallon of fresh Seattle air. I even showed Darren. He seemed impressed. THEN, I proceeded to do my Afrin and saline spray like a good girl. I tipped my head back and squeezed several healthy doses into each nostril. And then,,,,,, BURN BURN BURN! Holy cow my whole stinking head was on FIRE!!!! There was nothing I could do, fire was coming out of my ears, nose, eyes and any other part of my face imaginable. My jaw was chattering as I ran to the toilet, sure that I would vomit from the pain. I didn't. I just sat with an icepack, hotpack and a prayer in my heart that the pain would subside. My mom promptly decided that she would skip church and stay home to keep an eye on me. I think she saw the smoke from the flames coming out of my head.

So I spent Sunday trying to rest and keep up on my Vicodin. I am starting to supplement with ibuprofen.

Gavin has been working on contraptions in the garage. He said he is making Claymore Mines out of rat traps. And he can't really spell very well. But he is very creative.

The girls spent the afternoon running around the house giggling, sqealing, making noise, running some more. They have too much energy. Then Gillian announced that they are best buddies which made me happy. Then they fought. Then they were best buddies again.

And Patsy made a wonderful healthy meal. Sigh.

And Darren rested. Much deserved rest.

Hopefully Patsy will get some rest once she gets home!

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