Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cascade Park

So far this October has been unseasonably warm and sunny. Ok, maybe not so warm, but still sunny. So we went camping with friends at Cascade Park in Granite Falls. It is a church owned campground complete with a zipline, a river where the salmon were spawning, and 80 acres of beautiful property to explore. We had many many roasted marshmallows, hotdogs, and even roasted licorice. Eeew! So yes, by Saturday I had a gut ache. The kids basically scattered the minute we got there and we didn't worry about them once. There was nobody else using the campground so it was like we had our own private ranch. I wish we could spend more weekends like that. There is a stage where the kids put on "shows" during the day, and in the evening they did a glowstick-nightdancing-laser show type thing. It was quite amusing.
Ummmm, not quite sure what to say about Gavin's outfit. I could barely see him with all his camoflauge and foliage. But I did like Bryan's interpretation of it as he tried to blend in with a tiny tree.

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