Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Drew left a letter for Santa. I had to take a picture of it before he came.
Then I woke up in the middle of the night and found that he had written her back, so I had to take a picture of that too before everyone woke up.
I really admire her persistence. I pretty much asked for a horse every year of my life and I know how frustrating it gets. Too bad Santa can't deliver animals.

We did our annual Seattle trip to ride the carousel but it closed early. Bummer. But we did get to see some amazing gingerbread houses.
The famous lamp from the Christmas story and the frozen pole. All candy!

The Polar Express gingerbread mountain and train.

This is Gavin's happy face.

1 comment:

anjmae said...

OK, so I am all caught up now. I had to read as far back, at least, to find out why exactly you needed rhinoplasty. Sure enough, it was just as I had thought: Cyn had an accident. Doing something sporty. Yep, that is how it is! You look amazing, FYI--I really like your hair that length. I'll call you soon! anj