Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas break and Snow Campering

What a busy busy and non-busy week. Lots of "this is the worst day ever" 's from Gillian just because we weren't entertaining her every waking moment of the day. But they all had a great Christmas day. Gillian got her doll, Drew her DSI and Gavin a bass guitar. Drew had convinced herself when she saw the big guitar box that there could be a baby horse and bale of hay in that huge box. Wow, that girl is obsessed, wonder where she gets it from. We had our annual Christmas breakfast of crepes, turkey bacon, egg nog and apple cider. Lots of fruit toppings, yogurt, and of course whipping cream. Later on we went to Grandma/Grandpa Greenhalgh's for a seafood feast and more presents. Still, no horse. I snapped a back to back picture with Gavin and Joelle to compare to last year. Wow, what a difference a year makes in a teenage boy's life!
(Refer to last Thanksgiving's photo).

Darren took the kids up to Steven's Pass in the camper on Wednesday night. I stayed home alone, all alone! Had stuff to do. I was oh so lonely (not really!!!). It was completely fabulous how much I could get done all alone. I did go up on Thursday and spend the night and ski with them on Friday. The camper is nice but it really makes me appreciate my home. It was almost like walking into a mansion when I walked through the doors of my wonderful house. Funny, because we always say we could use more room in our house.

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