Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Rez

The reservation
When we first moved to our new home we called the encampment at the beginning of our dirt road "shanty town".  Then our neighbor's at the top of the road told us they call it "the rez.", short for the Reservation.  It stuck.  It is quite the eyesore.  I haven't exactly counted all of the trailers (those with wheels and those of the double-wide style).  There are several, and all of them in poor repair.  There are also broken down cars and trucks and even a few port-a-potties.  Awesome.  I have only met one of the guys who dwells there and I'm certain he was not sober.  I'm sure that people get a really nice impression when they turn down our road.  Luckily our house is a half mile up the dirt/gravel road and you can't even see it from our gate at the beginning of our property.  I tell myself this is good because it will keep prowlers away.  Between the Rez and the proximity of our house I feel pretty safe.  Plus, hey, 4 dogs let me know when anyone comes anywhere even close to the house.

Since Gillian gets off the bus alone this year she has to walk by the Rez alone unless I'm there to pick her up.  She once told me that when she starts walking she sings a song to make herself feel better.  Then she began to sing it to illustrate.  I figured she'd sing a primary song to comfort herself so I wasn't surprised when she started singing "I am... (and here's where I thought she was going to sing '...a child of God).  She paused and started again and sang "I am Ironman!"  An Ozzy Osborne song.  Of course. I guess that's way more comforting than I am a Child of God.

All I know is that the people on the Rez better watch out.  My daughter is Ironman.

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