Friday, January 23, 2009

Crazy hair day

Today was an exciting day.  Drew was up at 5:30am to get ready for crazy hair day.  I made her wait until 7:00am, I mean it's not Christmas morning for crying out loud!  So anyway it took me a total of about 13 minutes to fix her hair.  We could have slept until 7:45am but she can be very insistent.  So I braided her hair, put coat hangers and bent them through her braids and then she wanted to make a unicorn horn out of her bangs.  It held up all the way through school.  I'm not sure I would have been that confident in the 3rd grade.  Gillian was satisfied with 3 ponytails spouting like a fountain from her noggin.  Man, they were cute!  Gilli even got to have pajama day so she has been in her jammies since last night.  They are cute, comfy Santa Claus fleece pj's.  So I guess I don't have much to do to get her ready for bed.
Gavin almost has crazy hair day on a daily basis because he needs a haircut but is refusing.  His hair is course and wiry and he has cowlicks.  His hair gets puffy and grows straight out like a fuzzy dandelion, the kind you blow into the wind.  Crazy redhead, love him!  
Everyone is missing Darren.  He's in Scottsdale again working hard.  I have to remind the kids all the time that he is working hard for us and they should thank him.  I still don't think they get it.  But I do and I am very grateful and proud of him.

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