Saturday, January 31, 2009


 The other day Gillian came home and said that they were going to have toast and juice at school. I wondered how they were going to make toast for the whole class but I was too busy to question any further.  They were going to be having a celebration with their 6th grade buddies and read to their buddies their favorite story that they wrote.  So when Gillian got home the next day I asked her how it went and she said they didn't have toast but they had juice and held their cups in the air and said "cheers".  She asked her teacher about the toast and was very confused when her teacher said "that was the toast".  What?  No toast?!  Kind of reminds me of the time when Gillian said after preschool that the next day she needed to bring 2 rotten eggs so that they could kill them.  I couldn't figure out what she meant, and I tried all of my mental faculties to figure that one out (which I know doesn't mean much.)  So I asked her teacher the next day and she laughed and said that she had asked them to bring 2 hard boiled eggs so that they could dye them.

My friend Rebecca told me a funny thing that her son Spencer said the other day.  He was talking about a past president (Clinton), and he said, "Wasn't he the one who was nectarined?" Of course he really meant impeached.  Took me a while to really get that one but when I did I laughed hard.

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