Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Whistle a happy tune

When Gavin was 3 years old he learned to whistle.  I have no idea where he learned it, I didn't teach him.  He would whistle everywhere and often.  Once in the grocery store in Cleveland he did a cat-call "your sexy" whistle and a lady turned around and gave me a funny look.  I was a bit embarrassed as I blamed it on my toddler, who wasn't whistling anymore.  

Both of the girls are very frustrated that they can't whistle.  "It's not fair!"  As if I did something to them to prevent them from whistling.  Nothing is ever fair around here.

So Gavin continues to whistle often and sometimes I have to ask for silence because the washing machine, DS, TV,radio, whining and whistling don't go together very well for me.  But I don't mind that he whistles a lot because he only whistles when he's happy, and he's been whistling a lot lately.

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