Monday, January 19, 2009


Fun is a word that Darren outlawed during winter break.  It is because when Gillian has just one second of nothing to do she asks "what fun thing are we going to do today?"  She starts off the morning with that same question.  That is, every morning that there's no school to keep her busy. And she doesn't let up until you give her an answer, and "cleaning the house" is not an acceptable answer.  She insists that every single second is saturated with fun-filled activities.  It's exhausting. So today went sort of like this:
-Wake up and go to the first showing of Mall Cop for the $5 price at 9:50am.
-Get out of movie at 11:30am.
-"What fun thing are we going to do now, can we go to a restaurant?" (we didn't)
-At home, Gillian is starving starving starving.  I need to eat NOW!
-"What can we do fun? I don't want to be bored!"
-After a couple of meltdowns, time-outs and screaming fits we take George to the dog park.  We spent about an hour there.  The girls thought that since it was a blue sky that surely it was summer and they should wear shorts.  I tried to warn them but they have turned into twisted Washingtonians who think that 50 degrees is warm t-shirt weather.  I got cold in my ski coat.  
-"Can we go to a restaurant?"  (we still didn't)
-At home, "I'm bored, I don't want to be bored!"  More screaming.  More time-out.
-5:00pm I call Darren and beg him to come home soon.
-Darren gets home at 6:30pm and Gillian is still bored and bugging me.

Basically she just wears me out.  I appreciate her liveliness but I wish she would tone it down just a bit.  Luckily it's back to school tomorrow and Mrs. Affolter can deal with Gill's boredom.

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