Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Essays and stuff

Why is it that I feel like I'm in school all over again? It's 9:30pm and Gavin should be in bed. Instead he has homework of all sorts that needs to be done. And why is it that he thinks that I should be the source of all knowledge? Dividing fractions? I did my time, I should be blissfully enjoying NOT being in school. "Mom, what do you think I should write about in my essay? We have to come up with reasons why or why not a curfew should be imposed in Woodinville." I try to ask him what he thinks he should write about and he gives me the blank stare. Then becomes frustrated with ME for not coming up with something. By 9:30pm I'm ready to sink into the couch and have a few glorious minutes to myself without having to think of reasons why there should not be a curfew imposed in Woodinville for kids under the age of 18 after 9pm. There should be a curfew in my house stating that no humans under the age of 13 can loiter downstairs after 8:30pm. And no dogs staring at my as I sit on the couch. Maybe I should put up a sign stating the new rules. Dumb dog can't read though. And as for essays, I think that it is pretty apparent that I'm not a very gifted writer. Sorry Gav, you're on your own!

1 comment:

zq said...

So next month Gave will be able to loiter his teenage body downstairs after 8:30!? This is your chance to use all that you learned in school...impart wisdom. I think your writing is great.