Sunday, March 22, 2009

Horse Crazy!

I take full responsibility for this one. Although these pictures were taken a year ago the girls never cease to ask when they can go riding again. They definitely have a bit of me in them as they seem to be obsessed with wanting to ride horses. I certainly don't think that it's a bad thing and I wish that we had a barn in our backyard with 5 horses for the family. But all we have is a dog and some goldfish. So I told Drew that after she can master her lisping issue, and some other things, then she can have a couple of riding lesson. Her grades certainly aren't an issue, so I'm grasping for stuff to use as incentives. Gillian also has the gleam in her eye and is trying to convince me that she should also be allowed to ride. I might really get some extra chores out of them.... I remember how I loved (and still do) the smell of the leather saddles, and the sound of the jangle of a bridle. Most people are offended by the smell of horses but I love it, it's very soothing to me. So I took the girls to a couple of stables in the area yesterday and we watched some people ride. They loved it! We went up and down the hallways of the barns, looking in every stall and petting the horses noses. Bliss! Now I just have to figure out some good incentives and put aside some money for a couple of lessons. Once we get that down I think that my friend will let them ride her horses for free. I like free. And I'm not ashamed to say that I still have that gleam in my eye every time I see a beautiful horse. I imagine myself up on its back and galloping carefree down a beach in Hawaii.

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