Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Movie stars and Dr. Seuss

Our school always seems to have a theme day. Last week there was "dress like a movie star day". What does one do for that? So sunglasses and crazy '80's hair did the job. It seems like movie stars don't wear many clothes these days, but my little stars do.

Then there was Dr. Seuss' birthday. The girls had to wear red or a Dr. Seuss costume. Honestly! Who keeps a Dr. Seuss costume laying around the house? By the time I got the camera out to take a picture of the redness of the clothes Drew had taken off so that she wouldn't be late for school. Gilli is always all to happy to pose for a picture. I'm so glad because she is so stinking cute that I could just take daily pictures of her.

Even Junior high has certain theme things. Gavin asked if he had any brown pants for whatever was up at Leota Jr. High. Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. But it's fun. They're fun.

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