Monday, March 16, 2009


I feel that the name of my blog DailyCyn is very misleading. It would lead one to believe that Iwould actually write every day. That was very ambitious of me. And though I like to be true to my word I find that it is not as easy as I would have thought. However, anyone who would possibly be interested can always read up on every mundane and exciting thing that I've done every day of my life for the past 15 years. My journaling is still intact and I'm having a hard time making the switch to online. Hard to do both. But I am growing up, as I just proved this weekend by turning 40--FORTY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! And I don't feel any different. Funny. More on that later. As for now, it is 8:45am Monday morning and I was doing the dishes thinking about how I've neglected my blog. Why do we women always feel guilty for just about everything? Anyway, I'm not going to feel guilty for going back to bed because I'm quite ill right now. Snot, cough, fever, YUCK! Then, I will wake up, do laundry, make dinner, do lacrosse practice, homework, catch up on blogging about my wonderful 40th birthday, etc... Ah, the life of a stay home mom. Life is good.

1 comment:

zq said...

CynWeekly. theworldofCyn. What's with you getting sick for your birthday? Hope you were able to get lots of rest. I have been taking my daily nap with very little guilt. Enjoy being 40, I heard it's the new 20. Hugs and Kisses