Thursday, April 23, 2009


I had a hard time getting pictures of this one, but I couldn't resist. It was a 45 minute grand mal fit over pants. Apparently all of Gillian's pants were either too itchy, to cold, or too long. She was inconsolable. I feel kind of bad for taking pictures but it was memorable--something I wanted to document and use against her at a later date. A certain picture of me at age 11 comes to mind. Richard had angered me in some way and I retreated to my room where he continued to pester me from the other side of the door. He had armed himself with a camera and snapped a picture of me just as I came storming furiously through the door wielding an umbrella in a threatening fashion. I don't really remember the whole thing but there is a picture somewhere to prove it. I'm pretty sure that him taking the picture just made me more angry. I wonder where Gillian gets it from?


zq said...

Poor Gilly. I trow a fit every morning because NONE of my pants fit me anymore. Lucky for me there is nobody taking pictures of my perpetual pout.

zq said...

Oh and the angry umbrella shot makes me laugh. Gilly is your little clone.