Friday, April 24, 2009


It happened. I am officially mother to a teen. Wow, how fast thirteen years passes. My life changed forever on April 24, 1996 in Concord California at Mt. Diablo Hospital. I had the good fortune of having an awesome obsetrition, my Uncle Jay. After what seemed like 72 hours of labor I finally gave birth to my first child. When I first saw the little guy I thought he didn't look like I thought he would. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but he sure was cute! First of all there was strawberry blonde hair. I thought it would turn blonde, but as the years have gone by it just gets redder. The first moment I held him I realized that this is what life is all about. Unconditional, crazy love. I still marvel at the way my kids have changed my life for the better. These marvelous little beings that Darren and I created have really enriched our lives. And of course I couldn't ask for a better partner to raise these kiddos with.

Things I love about Gavin:
-He's very creative and will spend hours drawing or building things.
-Gavin still gives me hugs every day and tells me he loves me.
-He is thoughtful and wants to make people happy (except for Gillian)
-He is proud to be a Mormon boy.
-Likes to follow rules.

Happy Birthday Gavie Boy!

1 comment:

zq said...

Happy Birthday Gav!