Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Break and stuff

Silly Gilli said that her hands were too tired to pick grapes off the vine so she decided it would be better to just eat them off the vine.

So this past week has been spring break. It started off pretty mellow. Lots of blue sky and lots of playing with friends outside. And for me lots of yard work.

I had Joelle's kids all day Tuesday and the girls brought their pillows and blankets into the fort and hung out all day. Gavin slept a lot the first day or two because he didn't feel well.

We went to the Great Wolf Lodge Friday and Saturday with the Peays. The kids had a blast. It's a big hotel with an indoor water park. There are some pretty big rides there and just about everything else you could think of. Gavin spent Friday in the room reading a book, not feeling well. Luckily he perked up the next day and spent the day on the water rides. Every time I went to take a seat to relax Gillian would find me and coerce me into going on rides with her. So cute I couldn't resist! What's even better is that Darren finally got to come with us on a quick trip.

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