Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mental Health Check

First day of school. It has been a very stressful few days of high anxiety. So I thought that today I would take a rest on my first day of peace and quiet. That didn't happen. One thing led to another and suddenly I was in a frenzy of work, errands, business errands, etc..... So, not restful, but quiet.
Drew was so worked up yesterday about her wardrobe (or lack thereof) that she called me on my cell while I was running Gavin somewhere and here's how the conversation went:
Drew- "My hand hurts"
Me- "Why?"
Drew- "Because I was biting it."
Me- "Why?"
Drew- "Because I'm sad."
Me- "Why?"
Drew- "Because I want to be Gillian!"
Me- "Why!?"
Drew- "Because she gets all my old clothes and now she has a closet full of clothes and 3
drawers full of clothes!"

Now do you see why I need a mental health day?

Gillian's first day of second grade
Drew's first day of fourth grade
Gavin's first day of eighth grade

1 comment:

zq said...

She certainly looked cute for her first day. Is it already sweatshirt season?