Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blue clouds

My friend's son (who was born and raised in Washington) once told his mom that there were some blue clouds in the sky that day.  She explained that the sky is blue and the clouds are gray. I can see how he thought this because gray is how the sky is most of the time.  Darren would say otherwise, but he is wrong, wrong, wrong (and slightly demented on this subject). My children think that they need to put shorts on whenever there is a blue sky.  Gillian asks if we can go swimming if she sees the sun.  Crazy.  I'm a California girl and I find this weather lately downright spooky.  I mean, look at my view out of my bathroom window.  Spooky Jack- the-Ripper fog.  

However, the same view, different day below.  Amazing.  I actually have a beautiful view of Mt. Rainier from my bathroom.  This was last week when we had 3 days in a row of sunny skies.   Even though it was 39 degrees it sure did my heart good to see the beautiful sun.  I actually used my sunglasses!
I guess that I'd better get used to this weather.  It sure is a beautiful place though when you can see your surroundings through the fog and clouds.  But I say bring on the sun!  At least 50 % of the time!

1 comment:

dsg said...

i miss my daily cyn!!!! you are really cute!