Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Monday morning I started jury duty.  Then yesterday I got chosen to be on a jury.  Since I can't talk about it at all I will just sum up the last 3 days and say I'm tired and my eyes ache and my brain wants to shut off.  But all in all it has been an interesting process.  Also it has been nice to interact with other adults.  Thats all.  Now I'm home and it's night and the kids have had cup o' noodles for dinner.  Whew.  And Gillian is crying that she doesn't get to have fun and it's not fair because Gavin is at scouts and Drew is at Activity Days.  How do working moms do it?  I guess I don't want to find out.  Darren just left for Scottsdale and then LA. He will be gone until Sunday night and will be greatly missed.

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