Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Timekeepers and crazy fashion

Everyone should have a little Drew around to keep everyone on task.  I know that she knows how to tell time on a face clock, but she really loves digital clocks.  She is very aware of the time at all times.  It begins every morning with updates about every 5 minutes.  "It's 7:48, Gillian eat breakfast, get dressed.  I don't want to be late!" Runs around frantically packing her backpack, brushing teeth and hair, "It's 8:05, hurry Gilli, I don't want to be late!"  More scurrying.  "It's 8:17!!  Gill, Hurry up!"  I'm starting to think that it is an OCD thing.  Gillian really doesn't seem to care.  Then Gilli shows up at the bottom of the stairs looking like this:  (I had her lift up her sweater to show her lovely shirt.)

And yes, I did let her leave the house like this.  Darren would make her change, but she was so proud of her outfit choice and I didn't want Drew to throw a fit.  

Then they are out the door and notice how dark it is outside at 8:21am.

And it's pretty much been staying that dark all day long.  Dreary, drippy skies for the next several months I'm sure.  Which is why I have these special "Happy Lites" by my computer. That's really what they're called.  At first they kind of gave me a headache as I think my eyes have adjusted to the dark damp place I live.  I'm like a bat, except I don't sleep upside-down. Although that might help my back and neck.  Hmmm.  Anyway, I quite like my Happy Lites.  I need some sort of sunshine, even if it is artificial. 

So, Drew is equally as obsessive at night, starting at about 8:00pm.  "It's 8:01!  I don't want to get up late tomorrow for school!"  Gavin and Gillian could care less.  "It's 8:23!  I need to go to sleep!  Do you want me to be late for school?!"  Wow, what a girl.  Anyone need a wake-up call in the morning, you know where to call.

Well, I'm off to paint the front toy/coat closet.  It's the last untouched, unpainted room in the house and it shouldn't take me long.  It will take longer to go through the toys, junk, stuff that I dragged out of the closet last night.

1 comment:

zq said...

Wow! What an outfit. Maybe she can help me with my boring wardrobe.