Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears

First day of mid-winter break.  We awoke to a bright sunny sky.  Not a cloud in sight.  Weird. So I took the kids to the zoo with Joelle and her kiddos.  It looked like it was supposed to be warm but it was not.  Not at all.  Luckily I brought my down vest at the last minute, but that didn't keep my toes from going numb.  I'm ready for some warmth.  Maybe I should go to a tanning booth.  Hmmm.  Even as I sit here at the computer my right toes are cold.  It's crazy!  I would be a horrible eskimo.  Thank heavens I live in this modern day with heaters, rice bags, microwaves, and stuff.   But it was fun at the zoo and it was one day that Gillian could not accuse me of doing nothing fun.  One down, four to go.

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