Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ski days

Last week, to top off mid-winter break and avoid any whining we went skiing Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I was surprised that the kids did so well for that many days in a row. But they did great and we all got lots of exercise. There were a couple of sunny days, which was so good for my soul. The kids even seem to thrive on the sunshine. I love that we have season passes and it is a fun thing that we can do together as a family. My kids are going to be awesome skiers. I wish I started that young! It's also fun to be able to go up with friends every weekend and watch the kids ski in a large flock. It was cute last Friday night to watch Darren ski with the kids. He, Gillian, and a few other kids her age skied together for a while. Gillian insisted on going off the groomed trails into the trees-- fearless, that girl. From the lift I would see Darren skiing with a small group of kids tailing him like little ducklings following their mother. Such a patient guy and the kids loved it. At one point I heard Gillian say how when Jaxon goes over a jump he lands on his bottom, and when she goes over a jump she always lands on her feet. Funny girl. She did catch air a couple of times and land on her feet, but Jaxon was going much faster and higher and had some good wipeouts.

Today I went skiing after I got the kids off to school. I went with Katie and Cindy and there was about 13 inches of fresh powder. We had a blast. It's fun to be at this point where I don't have to be home all day. Dishes and laundry can wait!

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