Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Funday

Happy Birthday Grandma!  You can see where Drew gets her good looks!  
What a great week we had with grandma.  We don't get to see her all that often up close and personal, so it was great to have her here.  She is tireless in her laundry skills, dish skills, George skills, kid skills....  She's had a fair bit of practice and I really loved the help, but mostly the company.  Every day we got to go to lunch by ourselves.  I can't believe that I'm at that point in my life where the kids are gone all day.  EXCEPT for this next week where they have mid-winter break.  I swear Washington dreams up reasons to let our kids out of school just to torment us.  I've already geared up for a whole week of "what can we do fun today?"  I'm so excited!

Gillian learned a couple of days ago that our beloved neighbors Angela, Mooma (Fuma), and Donovan will be moving next week.  Angela said that when she told Gillian this that Gill's eyes welled up and she looked away, rubbing her eyes.  Then Gillian said "sometimes when I'm sad my eyes get real watery."  So sad!

Today after church we had the Peay's over for dinner.  For the past few years they have had us over numerous times after church so we figured it was well overdue.  Plus it killed a few hours of Gill not having to ask what we could do fun tonight.  Patsy had prepared an awesomely delicious pot roast before she left, which we had with other taco makings for a big burrito bar. Mmmmmm. Another thing I will miss about mom.  Cooking skills.

Afterward we crowded into the family room to watch a movie.  There were 4 kids trying to share a bean bag, and Peay's and Greenhalgh's all over.  No wonder we usually go to Peay's--square footage.  But it was cozy.  And of course George went wherever he could get the most attention.  Now that  Patsy is gone he's gone back to the kids.

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