Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Whine and ye shall receive

I am pretty sure that all my whining about the weather lately brought me a rare sunny sky yesterday. And I think there may be more in my future this week! Woohoo! I know it seems silly to most, especially my husband, but it makes a big difference for me. There is a blue sky out there! You know it's bad when the native children here think that the sky color is gray and that the clouds are blue. "No mom, the sky is gray and there are little blue clouds" said my friend's son Tyler. But yesterday I got more than just one little peek of blue cloud. Glorious.


zq said...

funny. we are on our third day of gray clouds and rain AND today we even had a tornado warning. enjoy your blue skies. I already miss ours.

Caroline Brock said...

I can only imagine how you feel--in the hot humid summer here in the south when it's horrible to go outside, I think--at least it's sunny and happy looking! Hang in there!

anjmae said...

yay you! We got a blue sky day here, too! On Tuesday--it was wonderful! No inversion, no clouds. Still cold, but pretty. :)