Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The weekend went well enough, no drama. However, I did have to teach Darren's Gospel Doctrine class on Sunday while he was at an implant course. He sort of tricked me into it because I didn't think it was right for him to call someone to sub the day before. But it all went well and I almost even enjoyed it. THEN.....

I awoke yesterday morning (Monday) at 5am to the sound of Darren barfing in the bathroom. Noooooooo!!! I hate nothing more than vomiting! A sense of impending doom came over me all at once as I pictured the next several day cleaning up kids vomit, because surely it would spread. Gillian stayed home with a stuffy nose and cough. Snot I can handle, vomit not so much. Gavin wouldn't get out of bed this morning because he said he feels gross. Just waiting, waiting, waiting.... He hasn't gotten up yet but I'm afraid he's going to continue the
barf-o-rama. The mind is a powerful thing so I will say this: I do not feel nauseated right now, I am going to spin class at the gym and then I will clean and disinfect my house all while feeling excellent, and Gavin will awake wanting to go to school and give me a massage. (Ok, that may be asking a bit too much).

1 comment:

anjmae said...

and? what happened next? or are you too busy cleaning up the barf-o-rama to blog??? hee hee