Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sad, crazy, fun, and yucky

Lots of things happened this week.

Sad things:
-My friend Marian's oldest son died, so very very sad.
-My mother-in-law fell down her stairs (hardwood, ouch!) and fractured her skull.
She has been in the ICU for 5 days now, but I think she's being transferred to a regular room soon. She had to have a craniotomy due to the swelling in her head. Half of her head is shaved and she really hasn't been awake enough to answer many questions. We are happy that she is out of the woods medically and continue to pray for her quick recovery. Such a sweet lady.

Crazy things:
-Gillian, Drew, Gavin. Need I say more?

Fun things:
-We went to Stevens pass Thursday night to night ski, spent the night in the camper. Peays borrowed their parents camper and did the same. We skied from 10am -9pm on Friday (kids had no school.) The snow was so good and my legs are so tired.

Yucky things:
-Gillian woke up at 4am and barfed on our bed 3 times and continued throughout the rest of the morning.
-I woke up feeling gross and slept a majority of the day. Still no vomit for me. Hopefully I am in the clear and I was just nauseas for the day.
-When I finally got out of bed my house was a disaster.

1 comment:

Caroline Brock said...

what a week!!!!! I didn't know you had a camper! How FUN! You look GORGEOUS in the photos by the way. I hope Darren appreciates your hottness!!!