Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lost Week

This has been a very strange week for me.  Lots of mixed emotions about the trial I was on.  In some ways it was nice to do something different for a change, but that novelty wore off the minute I got into the jury room with the other jurors to deliberate.  The lawyers both did a good job presenting their arguments.  We took a vote and 9 jurors voted guilty, 2 undecided and 1 guilty.  I was one of the undecided because I had lots of questions and I wanted to cover all bases. Soon I was the only one arguing not guilty and I probably added a few hours to the process, but I had to view all the evidence and video again.  In the end I sided with the guilty vote after seeing the video up close.  I felt terrible all day because it was a 32 year old guy guilty of assault.  He felt like his life was in danger but he took it too far when he attacked this guy.  I have no idea what the sentence will be and I think that that is what bothers me the most.  It's sad to see what people will do to each other.  I came home and told Gavin to stop being so obsessed with airsoft guns and weapons because I didn't want him ending up violent and in jail some day.  He said "Mom, I'm a Mormon boy, of course I won't do that."  That made me happy, he seems to be very proud of his religion.  As I sit here on Sunday night I just can't believe that a whole week passed.  I haven't been to the grocery store, I threw laundry in whenever I could, and Becky pretty much raised my kids.  It's nice to have great neighbors.  But I do feel like I lost and entire week.

So anyhow, when that was over on Friday I had to come home and take Gillian to Bingo night and then get up early on Saturday to go to an all day indoor cycling instructor certification. Then I rushed straight to Drew's gymnastics meet.  She was so excited and did a good job.

So today was Stake Conference and I opted out because Darren is still out of town and I wasn't feeling well.  We stayed in our pj's all day and Gillian made a mess with playdoh.  She has a special gift of being able to walk through a room and magically make everything that was on the counter end up on the floor.  Here is and example:

I mean, come on! There's glue, a banana, paper....  I can't keep up with her.  But she did look cute today playing with her playdoh.

1 comment:

zq said...

That mess would be welcome in my house. You have no idea what kind of mess is behind me right now. Maybe you do know because Jill was once a two year old and her messes were probably about the same as G-Rei. Welcome back to the demands of being a wife and mother.