Saturday, March 28, 2009

"P" party, Sally, and rain

Drew had a "P" party at school. It's not what it sounds like. They had to bring treats starting with "p". She brought "pookies". Just cookies-- NOT made with poo We just had to improvise the name to make it work. They actually were Pirouette cookies, so I guess that counts anyway. So she ended up wearing Pjs, pearls and Puma shoes.
Then she got to bring home Sally. Sally is the class pet--a salamander. All was going well until last night. She had put some sticks in the bucket that Sally climbed up and escaped in the night. So I had a frantic Drew by my bed this morning. "Mom, do salamanders disappear when they die?!" She wept, searched, called her teacher and was sure that the whole class would now hate her and shun her for life. We looked everywhere! So sad. Then Darren whispered to me "I think George ate her, I heard him chewing on something last night." Eeew! Eerie images filled my head of salamander toes sticking out of George's mouth. I couldn't help but glare at George for a bit, but I guess that's mostly just out of habit. Finally we went on with our day and I assured Drew that we would go to a pet store to look for a salamander. But first she had the parade....
So in Washington nothing gets cancelled due to rain. Life just goes on and people pretend that it really doesn't rain much here. Whatever! Cancel the dang parade! No such luck. Drew's gymnastics team was in the parade, cartwheeling down the street in the rain and handing out candy. My feet were numb afterward. Then I call my dear sister Laura as she says she is riding her bike to the beach and it's hot. WHATEVER!!! I tell her @#*!%^! At least that's what I'm thinking. I tried to make her jealous by telling her it is 40 degrees and I'm driving through the rain and all I see is gray and my toes are numb and Drew's teeth are chattering. She just laughed. LAUGHED! And then said I should come visit her. If only.
Then when we got home and Drew was in the steamy shower I found Sally. And she wasn't dead. She was crawling by the shoe basket by the front door. She was covered in lint, thus showing me what a poor housekeeper I really am. Like I need one more reminder. I just don't usually sweep all the way under the little round table in the front entryway where I'm sure she was hiding. Anyway, I was excited. Drew was excited. Life goes on and it continues to rain.

1 comment:

zq said...

I agree with Laura. You should come visit or just convince Darren to move the family closer. The Sally Salamander story still has me laughing.