Sunday, January 24, 2010

Three tears

Why do I find this little girl so irresistible? For one, this is a picture that grandma Patsy snapped a few years ago when she asked Gillian, Mary, and Drew to have a smiling contest in the bathtub. Gill was not happy, just pretending. She also says the funniest, cutest things. Joelle took Gillian, Isabelle, and Lily to see the Tooth Fairy movie on Friday and it was apparently a tear jerker. Gillian told Joelle that she had three tears during the movie at the sad parts. She even suckered me into snuggling her in her twin sized bed last night and I woke up in the morning with her cute little hand on my chest, still snuggling in her bed. When I started to get up she said "I love you mom" and my heart just melted. Corny, I know! But she's just got me wrapped around her little finger.

We had fun skiing on Friday night. Gavin had a scout campout and Gill was at the movie with Jo so we just had Drew, Bryan, Jaxon, and Natalie. Bubs also came with Evan and Sophia. Smaller group than usual and much less hectic. My legs are pretty thrashed from the morning spin class, working out every day this week, and an evening of telemark skiing. Then, to really finish off my legs for good I went for a run yesterday. I haven't gone for a run in a year due to my crazy hip problems but I just had to try. Ended up doing 4 miles with Joelle and I can even walk today without too much pain! Woohoo! Looking forward to more running, skiing, weight lifting this week. And snuggling with my little people of course!


Caroline Brock said...

Your workout schedule is IMPRESSIVE!! YOu need to come live out here and motivate do you do it all??

anjmae said...

Yippee, Cyn! Are you doing STP this year? When is it, anyway? I bet your legs look great! :)