Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This past Sunday I turned 41. It sounds kind of old to me and it made me think about how my grandmother (Dera) used to say on each of her birthdays that she was 29. I knew that 29 was pretty old but I knew that she wasn't 29. I get it now. Denial. I can't possibly be 41! In my mind I'm in my 20's and when I see other 40 year olds I think that they look older than me. DENIAL! I think that it's all a state of mind. I refuse to feel old, even when my body aches and tells me that I'm about 70 years old. Maybe not 70, but certainly not a spry 20 something year old.


zq said...

It's like that quote. . . " I'm not 40, I'm 18 with 22 years experience."
You look beautiful. I love the bangs. Happy 41!

Caroline Brock said...

You DO look younger than 41! Seriously--you look amazing. Happy birthday!

anjmae said...

Ah, the birthday. Good for you, because you look amazing. You do not need mouth bangs :)