Saturday, March 27, 2010

Longest day ever

It's funny how one things leads to another. First of all I've been sick for 5 days-sore throat, stuffy nose, etc.... Drew was in a parade with her gymnastics team today (Saturday). Fun. Lots of animals dressed in clothes. Weird. And the clowns, also weird. The parade route ended at Petsmart in Woodinville.
Drew wanted to go in and look at all of the rescue dogs. Harmless, or so I thought. Then I called Darren (who was taking an implant course) and asked him if he thought that George could use a sister dog. We have talked about it before many times. I guess the only way to really tell is to bring a dog home. So we found the perfect (or so it seems) dog for George. She is a smallish shephard mix dog named Holly. She came with the name and we decided to keep it since it's a cute name and we like people names for our animals. She is 9 months old and mostly trained. At least that's what her foster mom said. Am I a sucker or what? She just arrived here last week from death row for dogs in Oakland, seriously, death row. How appropriate that she's a Bay Area dog.
Then I took the girls to see Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure if it was the Sudafed or what but that was a very trippy movie. And of course I popped off a veneer while eating an m&m. So as Darren and I were going up to the office this evening to re-cement my veneer we decided to stop at Walmart to get a dog crate. As we began to walk toward the store I felt in my pocket for my veneer and it wasn't there. We scoured the car, searched my pants pockets and looked in the parking lot. How appropriate that I so to Walmart with a peg tooth. I looked like I fit right in with all the other freaks at Walmart. I even went back up this evening with a powerful flashlight and looked again. No luck. No tooth. Luckily I'm married to my dentist. He doesn't seem all that excited to make me a new tooth and I don't blame him. Maybe I'll just stick with my new hillbilly look.

So that was my very very long day.
Good night.

1 comment:

anjmae said...

always an adventure...I wish I was your neighbor so I could enjoy your chaos in closer proximity! :)