Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cagney and Lacey and the bloody paw

It all started after school when the girls came home from school and I could hear Drew screaming from downstairs for me to come quickly. I looked downstairs and saw a huge yellow lab in my living room pacing around. I was confused and for a split second thought that maybe Holly had morphed into a bigger version of herself. The girls excitedly told me about how this dog followed them home. So now he was in my front room leaving muddy paw prints. One of his paws was bloody so every other muddy paw print was a muddy-bloody paw print. (Muddy-bloody rhymes, I know). I had never seen this dog before but he seemed nice. So I decided we could keep him. I mean, I need 3 dogs, really. JUST KIDDING! So anyway.....where was I?..... Oh yeah, we walked him around the neighborhood on a leash, no luck. I had this weird feeling that I could figure out where this dog belonged (he had no tag on his collar). I remembered a story that my friend Rebecca had told me about one of the 911 calls she got last week to the mobile home park. A lady was complaining about kids playing outside. Yes, that qualifies as an emergency here in Bothell apparently. I remember her saying that the lady had a really cool yellow lab that was trained to open doors for her (she has MS). So I called Rebecca as she was getting ready to go to work and asked her exactly what house it was. Lo and behold I found the house, asked the neighbor and he confirmed that it was the lady's dog. She wasn't there so I put the dog in the yard and closed the chicken wire fence. Good deed done..... NOT!

Later in the evening I took George and Holly on a walk (11pm). It was raining and cold but I really wanted Holly to potty in the great outdoors. Bec texted and asked if I was up so she could come get a snack and show me her cool cop car. So I said yeah, I'm walking in Hollyhills. I had heard a dog howling most of the evening so I went down to check and see if it was the yellow lab. As I was getting near the house a cop car pulled up and spotlighted me, so cool. It's almost like she's playing cop or something, but it's real. Anyway she asked if I had called 911 about the dog cause someone just called about it. Coincidence. So we went and checked it out. I asked her if I could break in to the house and let the poor dog in. We giggled as we maneuvered through the yard avoiding dog poop, old sinks, garbage, etc.... She had her cool cop flashlight as we pounded on all the doors and peeked in windows. No luck. So we put the dog in the garage, talked to the neighbor who called it in. She's worried that something happened to the lady and filed a missing person's report. Then went to my house for a snack. Kind of crazy that it was Rebecca that helped me return the dog earlier in the day and ran in to me on the way to the 911 call. I think we should be partners, like Cagney and Lacey. It was kind of fun, but then it was 11:30pm and I got to change into dry pj's and Bec had to go to the station to write up a huge report on the case of the dog and the missing lady. I'll keep my detective work limited at this time. I've got laundry to do.

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