Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crazy Hair Day

Friday was Woodin Elementary's much anticipated crazy hair day. Drew set her alarm clock for 6:50am to make sure that we would have enough time to craft her hair into something spectacular. She was jealous of Gillian's bangs because I was able to make them stick straight up and Drew's hair was too long. I'm sure that my brother Rob would have known how to make it happen. He had some gravity defying hair in high school. She was upset that she couldn't have her hair cut just for the day and I found it ridiculous that I was reasoning with someone who is 10 and should know better. Sometimes you just can't have it all. Her hair still turned out pretty darn crazy if I do say so myself. She was sulking quite a bit before school because of her jealousy over Gillian's bangs. Speaking of bangs, I have yet to take a good picture of my bangs. I think that I like them for now. Will post a picture soon. They hide forehead wrinkles. Now, if only I could have bangs around my mouth.

1 comment:

zq said...

mouth bangs = an unattractive mustache. No thank you.