Monday, March 8, 2010


For Family Home Evening tonight I read a story about a squirrel family. It was about preparedness. Mama squirrel told her two kid squirrels to gather as many nuts as they could because there was a snow storm coming. One kid gathered lots of nuts and the other one played and didn't gather any. Sure enough the snow came and the one that didn't gather any had to rely on his mom and brother to feed him and he felt ashamed that he hadn't done what he was told. My kids said that they got the point of the story. They all said that they should listen to mom and always be prepared. That led to a brief discussion about what to do in case of an emergency at our home. If there is a fire, flood, earthquake, etc... Gillian did not like the direction of this discussion at all and she said that it really freaks her out. (She is currently asleep in my bed right now (11pm) just in case there is a fire). Then she perked up after the discussion and said that for an activity she would like to play charades. I said that the charades should have something to do with preparedness or a church type of something. So we started youngest to oldest and here's what we got...

Gillian- acted out reading the scriptures.
Drew- acted out helping an old lady who had fallen.
Gavin- acted out killing zombies, first with a machine gun, then with his Gerber LMF 2 knife.
Me- acted out planting seeds for a garden.
Darren- stood up and mimicked the way I've been limping around with my sore hip and back.

I'm pretty sure that the girls in this family were the only ones that really got the meaning of our Family Home Evening activity tonight.


zq said...

did anyone guess Darren's? I would love to see a video of that game.

cynthia greenhalgh said...

yes, the kids right away said "mommy!" I didn't realize I limped that much.