Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mistaken identity

Don't all yellow labs look the same to you? I mean, I had never seen this dog before in my life. I was just the clever detective who put 2 and 2 together and returned the dog to the rightful owner by putting it in the yard and letting him get rain soaked all day and then locking him in a filthy cluttered garage (with the cops' help). Two different neighbors and two cops both confirmed that he was this lady's dog. Imagine coming home with your dog and finding it's twin locked in your garage, howling and confused. Kind of funny, except now I don't feel so smart.

I got a call yesterday afternoon from a man named Kevin. He got my number in a very round about way from talking to his daughter who heard from her classmate about the dog who followed the kids home. So by his detective work he asked around until he got my number. He said that he thought I found his dog Jake. I told him that no, it was a dog named Rocky and I returned him to his rightful owner by putting him in that person's garage. But what a coincidence! He lost a yellow lab on the same day, what are the chances? I told him good luck and maybe call the animal shelter. He wasn't buying it. I didn't get it. I mean, there were at least 4 people who confirmed that it was Rocky and helped me lock him up. So I described the blue choke collar and he said "yep, that's Jake." It finally started to sink in and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry (I laughed hard). So I met him and took him to the house. Jake was back in the yard. We asked the neighbor what happened and she apologized to him and said that she really thought it was Rocky. I bet that Rocky's owner was really confused. I know I was.

Pretty sure the Bothell PD will demote me now.


zq said...

HaHaHaHaha. . . . . HAHAHAHAHA.
It is tough to be a good citizen. Glad the dog made it home. How is Georgie doing with his new pal, Holly?

zq said...

inspector clouseau

cynthia greenhalgh said...

George and Holly are in love. It is cute and she is a really sweet dog so we got lucky. Whew!

cynthia greenhalgh said...

George and Holly are in love. It is cute and she is a really sweet dog so we got lucky. Whew!

marygeorgia said...

What fun with the dogs. Almost inspires us to get a pal for Bruce.