Monday, March 8, 2010

Satan on Sunday mornings

Now that church starts at 9:00am our lives are sorta crazy on Sunday morning. I think that Satan sends his little helpers to my house to keep us from getting to church on time. They whisper in Gillian's ear that none of her dresses or skirts are acceptable to wear today. She demands that I find her a new dress right away. Darren is ready to go and takes Gavin to church on time as I battle with Gillian who is now in hysterics and beyond any rational behavior. Then, standing there in a dress that I talked her into wearing, she said she really needed a nap. It was 9:00am, Drew was waiting patiently. So I tell Gill that if she is still tired after Sacrament meeting I will take her home for a nap. I was secretly hoping that she would take me up on it, but as soon as she saw her little friend after the meeting she happily scurried off to Primary. Bummer, no nap for me. And this seems to happen every Sunday. Same kid, same fashion drama.


Caroline Brock said...

oh pleeeese Cyn. Try that times 10000 in my house. Try 4 Gillians PLUS your husband is at meetings since dawn, you have a 30 min. drive to church AND you have to sit alone with 4 girls in the pew. ROOKIE! ;)

cynthia greenhalgh said...

Ok Caroline, you win! But Gillian truly is a force to be reckoned with. And I'm glad I don't have to deal with 4 of her on Sunday mornings. There's something to be said for boys, they have 1 suit and a white shirt that they wear every Sunday, you just have to make sure it's clean.

cynthia greenhalgh said...

Ok Caroline, you win! But Gillian truly is a force to be reckoned with. And I'm glad I don't have to deal with 4 of her on Sunday mornings. There's something to be said for boys, they have 1 suit and a white shirt that they wear every Sunday, you just have to make sure it's clean.