Tuesday, March 12, 2013

dRaMa and school projects

We are boring.  Darren and I are boring parents.  Drew told us so.  Funny, because I would have loved to go skiing on weekends and waterskiing in the summers and riding on my horse whenever I wanted when I was a kid.  But we are not like the Pedigos.  Jared takes the kids for rides on his tractor.  Joelle's family plays board games.  Us...... we just work and make our kids work.  We don't have a movie theater room in our house.  And we don't own a huge farm (Drew's friend's parents own Lord Hills farm and Remlinger Farm).  I told her that I will take her to Tijuana Mexico and she can see the kids selling Chiclets on the street and probably living on the street.  She said "At least it would be sunny!  That would be awesome!"  I don't think that I got through to her.  Unfortunately we will probably never live up to her expectations.  I sure hope that when she is a parent that she is way more exciting than us.  There was a half hour of tears about the whole sad situation of our pathetic life this past weekend.  Darren and I did get a good laugh out of it later though.

The Pedigos are cool.  They take kids on tractor rides.
Drew has also been worked up about her science project.  It involves white carnations changing color as food coloring is placed in the water.  Exciting stuff.  Certainly not boring.

When Gavin puts his mind to something he really gets into it.  We worked on a WW2 map.  He did the map and I made an SS officers Nazi uniform with pockets so that he could put the map and a journal that he wrote in German in the pocket.  The he taped a baggie with red paint on it and shot it with his 300 Win mag.  Pretty legit.  He even tucked an old black and white photo of my grandma (Dera) in the pocket.  NOT boring.

And for more drama around here.....  Darren and I have figured out that we are probably not cut out for dog breeding.  However, it may be too late.  Buster, our neighbors dog from the "rez" (the trailers down the road) has been hanging out a lot.  I've caught him with our sweet Shadow several times and we have shot him with BBs several times.  He doesn't seem to care.  He just comes back every day.  Gavin went and asked if he is fixed and they said that they didn't think so.  From afar Buster looks like Holly but up close he looks more like a wolf.  So, we may be having half-wolf babies.  Sigh.  I think it's time to get her fixed.

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