Sunday, March 3, 2013

Slug Trails

There is one person and one dog in this house that leave a trail everywhere they go. 

Gillian leaves a trail of socks, shoes, clothes, or anything else that she has on her person that she gets tired of carrying around or wearing.  She also has this magical power of making anything that was once on the counter fall onto the floor just by walking through the room.  It is perplexing and maddening.  It would be easy for me to just pick it up but I've been trying to make her come back and pick things up.  

Shadow leaves a trail of dirt.  She has a habit of leaning on everything....people, walls, etc....  I kept wondering how a dirt streak appeared going up the stairs, or down, depending on how you look at it.  Then one day I saw Shadow sliding down the stairs while leaning against the wall.  She literally rubs her way down the stairs.  I cleaned the wall for the wedding, so as you can see she has done a good job of leaving her mark in the past three weeks.  This is not the only trail either. The other day I came into the kitchen to do the dishes after feeding the horses in the morning.  I noticed nothing strange until I turned away from the sink to move on to the laundry and I noticed 3 blood drops.  At least I assumed it was blood.  It had obviously dropped from somewhere and I instinctively looked at my hands and arms, checked my nose.  Nothing coming from me.  I've obviously watched too many scary movies because I looked up at the ceiling fully expecting a bloody zombie or corpse hanging from the ceiling.  Nothing.  Hmmmm.  Then more blood over by the back door.  Bingo, Shadow is becoming a lady!  She's in heat.  And she's in heat because we never had her fixed because we have the crazy idea of breeding her.  Because I obviously need 7-10 baby Labs.  I know, I may need an animal hoarding intervention soon.  We would sell the pups for sure.  She's just such a good dog that we want to make more Shadows for others to enjoy.  I will need counseling for sure when and if this occurs.  
Maybe Shadow is the zombie, because her eyes sure look creepy

The shadow of Shadow

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