Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Island time

We arrived in Hawaii Friday night at about midnight.  Long flight.  The day after my 44th birthday.  This vacation was way past due.  

On Saturday Michelle came to Turtle Bay (where we are staying) and we went to the beach.  She has a darling 18 month old daughter named Malia.

We went to church and met up with our old friend Beau.  Beau is the guy who took our engagement photos on Laie Point 21 years ago.  Then we sat down in Sacrament meeting and my old cross country coach was on the stand and gave a talk.  So funny.  Coach Kaluiokalani (Coach K).  Time sure flies.

Beau, me and D
We've pretty much been pigging out.  All day every day.  Not saying I had pie for breakfast....  More like second breakfast.

We are so used to having no down time.  That's all we have now and it's fantastic.  We rented a nice condo for a great price and we are truly taking it easy.  It's been fun seeing old friends.  Last night we met up with Adam Palmer and his fiancé in the hot tubs at Turtle Bay.  So fun to catch up with friends.  

Since we are eating like pigs we decided that we need to exercise as well.  This morning we went to Hukilau Beach and went for a run.  Then we did some log jumps, pushups and pull-ups.  We even had a dog who joined us on our run.

Hukilau Beach.  This is where I used to live.
Our new running partner
Doing some CrossFit on the beach.  Log jumps.

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