Friday, March 22, 2013

Friends in faraway places

We have been very lucky with the weather this week.  I was dismayed earlier this week with the forecast of rain, rain, rain.  But I now see that it is just an estimation.  We have had a little rain.  And on that rainy day (Monday) we went to the other side of the island.  Other than that Darren has liked that it's not super hot.  It has been perfect.  Warm and breezy.  

Yesterday we met up with Beau and Adam.  Beau was in my ward 21 years ago here.  He took our engagement photo on Laie Point, which we tried to recreate (see pictures following) but I think we need to retry.  Maybe if we have him do the photo instead of a stranger he would be able to recreate the moment.  


We all went on a hike to Kahana.  Adam brought his kids and his niece Noelle, who was a little kid when we were here.  Now she's a return missionary.  It's been fun to see old friends.  We jumped off the bridge and did a small hike up to what they called the lower pool.  The kids wanted no part of hiking up to the upper pool and waterfall so we played on the rope swing and played sharks and minnows in the lower pool.  The water was cool and refreshing.  Afterwards we kayaked and had a barbecue.  I love how laid back the lifestyle is here.  Of course I was not so laid back when I lived here and was in school and working as a massage therapist in town.  But it is nice to be back and just go with the flow.  

Adam used a small pillow and boogie board as a roof rack.  
Karate Kid jump.  That's as fancy as I could get
D's jump
Adam got some serious height for a gainer
Beau and Darren.  D trying to be a girl
Looks like Beau is walking on water but he just let go of the rope

Laie Point.  There were whales jumping off shore

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