Friday, March 22, 2013


Today we just hung out at the beach.  First we snorkeled at Turtle Bay then we headed to the North Shore at Ke Iki beach.  Darren sought out the shade and read and slept.  It's a good thing that I don't live here anymore because I would probably die of skin cancer.  I'm trying to make up for the years of no sun and I'm soaking up as much as possible.  

The shore break was huge today.  There were orange flags out warning people not to go in the water.  After a little while we could hear some girls screaming.  Right then a lifeguard drove up on a quad and jumped off running toward the water.  We ran over and he yelled at us to call on his radio for backup.  Darren got on the radio and called to the other lifeguards.  We watched as this woman got swept out over the ledge and into the heavy surf.  She was being dragged towards some very sharp rocks.  It was a helpless feeling but if we had gone in without any floatation devices we would have been swept out too.  Within about three minutes we could hear sirens and even more lifeguards came on quads and a jet ski. By the time the lifeguard got the lady out of the water she could barely breathe.  She couldn't stand up.  They took her up to a beach chair and the EMT's put an oxygen mask on her and after a little while she was doing ok.  That made our lazy beach day into an exciting but kind of scary beach day.  Then we went down to Pipeline and watched the surfers.  Big waves today.

Can't get enough of the sun!
Darren seeking shade whenever possible.  Smart boy

And when he left the shade of the trees he had his umbrella
Shore break.  It is way bigger in person
Lots of EMS showed up for this lucky lady
Watching the surf at Pipeline

Sunset at Turtle Bay

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