Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just a random day at the ranch

When the sun actually shows and the sky is blue it means abandon whatever you are doing inside the house and get the heck outside.  So Drew and I decided to pick Gillian up from the bus stop.  I tried to drag Eli (who I am going to rename Eyore) on a lead line behind me and Chuck.  It was like trying to drag a semi truck with it's emergency brake on.  Chuck was prancing and I was practically pulling my arm out of the socket trying to coax Eyore to catch up.  Finally I abandoned him at the gate and rode on to catch up to Drew.  Luckily Rodeo is such a great and dependable horse that he doesn't mind the girls doubling up on him.  By the time we got back Eyore hadn't gone far.  I swear if he was human he would be the biggest stoner ever.  He seems perpetually half-baked.  He falls asleep when he's getting saddled and when he's getting his hooves trimmed.  But he is sweet.  

It has been brought to our attention by our vet and other people that Roxy has a bit of a weight problem.  So I've been getting her out of the house more.  She ran down to the bus stop and back up.  I must say she does a fine job of keeping up with the horses. 

Last night we did rope climbs at our gym.  I'd never done them during a workout so I was excited to try it out.  Nobody else seemed to want to and opted to substitute pull ups and pushups for the rope climb. Not only did I have the rope to myself but I felt pretty proud that I made it to the top 4 times.  I found out that I need to wear long socks next time.  I also found out that you shouldn't try to slide down the rope like it's a fireman's pole.  This is common sense.  Maybe everyone else was just smarter than me.

Rope burns..... OUCH!
I went to Petsmart today and just couldn't bring myself to buy doggie diapers for Shadow's current condition.  So I improvised with a pair of Gavin's old boxers.  Poor girl, she looked so dejected.  But hey, I haven't seen any blood droplets in the past hour since she's had undies on.   : )

Gillian made mustaches for Darren and I.  I chose the blue one because it's my favorite color.  And for some reason Darren found Drew's kindergarten crown and wore it.  Yep, that's about as exciting as it gets around here at night.  

1 comment:

zqshel said...

I don't know what is making me laugh more. The boxers on Shadow, the mustaches, or the look on D's face.