Friday, December 19, 2008

Bright, bright, sunshiny, snowy day.

Wow, we have had lots of snow and lots of fun in that snow.  Our neighbor Fuma (pronounced Fooma) made a cool igloo with the kids and a giant snowman, which we call a snowmonster. Gillian loves Fuma, whom she calls Mooma.  "Can I go see if Mooma is home? Oh yeah, and play with Donovan?"  She has a new buddy and feels very at home over there.  

We did end up going to the kids' school today..... and sled on the hills there.  They had a blast. 
But the biggest hit was the igloo.  They played out there for hours while I locked myself in my room and wrapped presents and worked on their secret project.

And in the igloo

It was super super cold today.  And there's supposed to be a huge storm tomorrow.  Snow and high winds with gusts up to 90mph in the foothills.  Hope we don't get a branch through the roof again.  Anyway, we've got to get our generator ready for the power to go out like it does almost every year.  Now that we have a generator we probably won't lose power.  All of the stores were jam-packed today with people gearing up for the storm.

It's amazing how the whole landscape is transformed after a snow.  It's peaceful and beautiful.... until you see all the people who don't know how to drive in the snow.  I'm getting ready to hunker down for the weekend.

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